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Spider Control

Spider Treatment and Eradication for Homes & Businesses

spider treatment and eradication

Unfortunately, for the real world, spiders are not as pleasant as they are portrayed in Charlotte's Web. Instead, spiders weave dust-collecting webs in all areas of the home, lay eggs containing up to 400 offspring, and hide in dark places where they can bite or startle people. Food and shelter are their main goals, as most living things.


Don't Live with Spiders Any Longer
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Spider Control Services in western NC

We definitely don't want any of these spiders climbing up your waterspout and into your home. At GoForth Services, we utilize quick and effective methods to solve your spider infestation.These methods may include using sprays and powders inside and outside the property to optimize the removal rate. Within days of placing these substances in crevaces, cracks, basements, and other locations you'll begin to see results. Our pest control experts know how to get rid of spiders. Schedule an Inspection today!

Common Spiders of WNC

In western North Carolina, we see our share of spiders; there are four types in particular that enjoy invading residential and commerical properties. The three most intimidating of these four spiders burrow outside under debris, rocks and wood piles, and hideout indoors in basements and garages. On the other hand, little common House Spiders are not as shy, weaving their webs in any corner of your home.

Common Household Spiders

Wolf Spiders

Black Widow Spiders

Brown Recluse Spiders

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Rutherfordton: (828) 287-3188 
Marion: (828) 652-3240 
Spruce Pine: (828) 765-2574 
Shelby: (704) 482-5096
Gastonia: (704) 271-3256

Burnsville: (828) 682-9575
Polk County: (828) 859-9773
Morganton: (828) 437-7849
Spartanburg: (864) 278-3033
Toll Free: 800-228-8650

Copyright © 2016 Go-Forth Services, Inc.
Serving Rutherfordton, Forest City, Marion, Shelby, & Surrounding Areas

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